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Dr. Theresa Kamp, LL.M.

My specialization is family law. It is my commitment to accompany people in difficult life situations. Especially in family law proceedings, one is particularly challenged and burdened. It is about existential questions. It’s not just about money, it’s also about family. It is important to have someone reliable at your side.

In family law, settlements can make sense – but not at any cost. An agreement must be profitable. In order to reach a favorable solution, one must be prepared to stand up for one’s rights and convictions. I don’t think it is worth it to give up everything for the sake of an amicable solution. It is significantly better to fight for one’s rights.

In a first step, it is important to take the focus away from the “other side” and to consider: What do I want, what do I wish for?

I will gladly support you in protecting your interests and standing up for yourself and your children. If that is possible, in constructive out-of-court talks or in court proceedings.


  • Lawyer Mag. Patrick O. Kainz, LL.M. – Associate (August / 2020 – June / 2022)
  • Schwendinger Piber Rechtsanwälte – Associate (January 2020 – March 2020)
  • Zumtobel Kronberger Rechtsanwälte – Associate (05 / 2019 – 12 / 2019 )
  • Birnbaum Toperczer Pfannhauser Rechtsanwälte – Associate (Sept 2018 – April 2019)
  • Court practice (Sprengel Higher Regional Court Vienna) – Legal intern (12/2017 – 07/2018)
  • Diakonie Refugee Service – Legal Advisor (06/2016 – 09/2017)
  • Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights – Legal Associate (02/2013 – 10/2013)
  • Austrian Embassy, Washington DC/USA – Assistant in the Political Department (04/2012 – 07/201


  • LL.M. contract law and contract drafting, (part-time) at the Danube – University of Krems (2021)

  • Doctor iuris (Dr iur) doctorate (dissertation field: human rights, asylum law) awarded by the University of Vienna – Faculty of Law (2019)

  • Magistra iuris (Mag.a iur) legal degree awarded by the University of Vienna – Faculty of Law (2015)