Blog » Family Law » Alimony after divorce
Who is interested in black money other than the tax office
What about illegal income, so-called “black money”? Is undeclared income relevant for the alimony to be paid or can one “earn something on the side”?
Maintenance: Playboy-limit
There is a cap on child support for very high earners, the so-called “playboy-limit”. What does it mean and who does it apply on?
Spousal support – the money after the divorce
People are often concerned about the financial consequences of a divorce. Some worry about having to support their (ex-)partner financially for the rest of their lives. Others fear no or too little support from the other person. The fact is that a divorce is rarely accompanied by an economic improvement. Simply because a divorce does not magically create more money, but suddenly twice as many households have to be served.
Post-marital maintenance?
People marry for love. People also marry because they want security and stability. But how much security is provided through marriage? Maintenance during the marriage or even afterwards – is it worth fighting over? The idea of maintenance after divorce is rather mythical among the general population and there are many misconceptions about it.