Blog » Employment Law
Understanding Your Rights: Contesting Unjust Termination in Austria
acing termination is a significant challenge for employees in Austria. However, Austrian labor law provides mechanisms to contest unjust dismissals. This article offers a comprehensive overview of the grounds for contesting a termination, the associated procedures, and the role of legal protection insurance.
Discrimination when applying – what can you do?
Discrimination is prohibited by the Equal Treatment Act. You can defend yourself by taking the case to the Equal Treatment Commission or to the labor and social courts. Compensation can only be awarded in court. There are always deadlines to be observed, so please seek advice in good time!
Age Discrimination in the Workplace – Not “Ok Boomer” at all?
Can the phrase “OK Boomer” be age discrimination under Austrian labor law?
Data protection for employers – Now in well-stocked specialist book stores!
The new work by Karina Moneta and Patrick Kainz is now available.
The lawyer answers: 10 questions about labor law
As part of my cooperation with Fragnebenan, I answer user inquiries every month. In my first post, I deal with frequently asked questions about employment law.
English language employment contracts – ok in Austria?
Would it be okay to give Austrian workers employment contracts or other documents in English? I’m going to talk about what to watch out for here.
Working hours exceeded – what threatens employers?
If employers do not comply with the legal maximum working hours, they risk administrative consequences. Find out what could be in store for you in this article.
Resources on finding a job in Austria – shared by an attorney
Finding a new job can be a headache. This is the same in Austria as in other places. In this article I have outlined a few online resources that can help you in your job hunt.