We regularly publish short videos on current legal topics on our YouTube channel and on Instagram.
Employment Law
Family Law
Immigration Law
Employment Law
Wie auf 1. Beratungsgespräch im Arbeitrsrecht vorbereiten?
Wie kann man sich auf ein Beratungsgespräch vorbereiten, um das meiste herauszuholen?
Arbeitsrechtsanwalt Patrick Kainz gibt in diesem Video ein paar Tipps aus der Praxis.
Sollten Sie arbeitsrechtliche Unterstützung brauchen, können Sie sich gerne per E-Mail ( an uns wenden. -
5 Tipps zu Kündigungen
Was gibt es zu beachten, wenn man mit einer Kündigung in Österreich konfrontiert ist?
Arbeitsrechtsanwalt Patrick Kainz spricht in diesem Video fünf wichtige Punkte an.
Wenn Sie einen Termin mit Patrick Kainz vereinbaren möchten, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an -
Schwimmbad statt Großraumbüro?
Ist es eine gute Idee, sich krankschreiben zu lassen und dann entgegen der Anweisungen des Arztes im Schwimmbad gesehen zu werden? -
5 Dinge zu Kündigungen
Was sollte man alles beachten, wenn man in Österreich die Kündigung vom Arbeitgerber erhält? Das wären natürlich zu viele Dinge, um sie in einem Video anzusprechen.
Aber Patrick Kainz hat 5 Dinge rausgepickt, die man jedenfalls gehört haben sollte.
Sie erreichen Patrick Kainz auf -
13./14. Gehälter in Österreich
Wie sind denn eigentlich die 13. und 14. Monatsgehälter in Österreich geregelt? Arbeitsrechtsanwalt Patrick Kainz gibt Antworten. -
Krankenstand wegen Kater
Kann man wegen einem “Kater” nach einer durchzechten Nacht einfach in den Krankenstand gehen?
Arbeitsrechtsanwalt Patrick Kainz erklärt die rechtliche Situation in Österreich.
Sie können Patrick Kainz auf kontaktieren. -
Kollektivverträge sollen auch den “Betriebsfrieden” sichern: Die Idee ist, dass wenn laufen branchenweit verhandelt wird, dann muss nicht in einer gesamten Branche oderin einzelnen Betrieben gestreikt werden, um Forderungen durchzusetzen. Wie man aber sieht, kommt es vereinzelt doch zu Streiks. So wie neulich bei einer großen österreichischen Fluglinie. Verglichen mit anderen Ländern sagt man aber, dass Streiks in Österreich selten vorkommen. -
Nur private E-Mailadressen für Kommunikation mit Anwält:innen verwenden!
Ist es eine gute Idee, die E-Mailadresse des Arbeitgebers zu verwenden, wenn man sich arbeitsrechtlich beraten lassen möchte?
Ganz generell rät Rechtsanwalt Patrick Kainz davon ab. Wenn Sie Patrick Kainz kontaktieren möchten, finden Sie ihn hier: -
Belästigung von Frauen am Arbeitsplatz
In diesem Video unterhalten sich Anwältin Yara Hofbauer ( und Anwalt Patrick Kainz ( über aktuelle Fälle von Belästigung von Frauen am Arbeitsplatz in Österreich.
Wie reagiert man in der österreichischen Medien- und Kulturbranche auf solche Vorwürfe? Und wie sieht das mit dem victim shaming aus? -
Unpassende Fragen beim Bewerbungsgespräch – Österreichische Anwält:innen klären auf
Manchmal glaubt man, dass man beim Bewerbungsgespräch jede auch noch so unangenehme Frage beantworten müsste. Das stimmt aber gar nicht.
In diesem Video erklären die Rechtsanwält:innen Theresa Kamp und Patrick Kainz, welche Fragen tabu sind. -
Basics of Austrian Employment Law – Part 1
In this video, I discuss the following aspects of Austrian Employment law:
– what employees and employers expect from an employment relationship
– why there are hardly any strikes and lockouts in Austria and the importance of collective bargaining agreements
– whether there is a statutory minimum wage covering all industries
– what happens to your employment relationship if your employer’s business is sold to a new owner
– what the difference between employed, self-employed, and quasi-freelance work is
Why did I record this presentation? I believe that there is too little general information about Austrian employment law available to an interested English speaking audience.
As an attorney, I see which questions are asked repeatedly. Some of them make up the content of this series on the “Basics of Austrian employment law”.
If you would like to reach out to me, you can find my contact details here: -
Sie haben Recht! – Mutterschutz
Heute wollen @theresa__kamp und ich über den Schutz werdender Mütter am Arbeitsplatz sprechen.
Arbeitgeber*innen von Schwangeren treffen besondere Schutzpflichten. Werdende Mütter dürfen zB keinesfalls mit schweren körperlichen Arbeiten oder mit Arbeiten, die für die schwangere Frau oder das Kind gefährlich werden können (zB Nachtarbeit), beschäftigt werden. Überdies haben schwangere Arbeitnehmer*innen Anspruch auf zusätzliche bezahlte Ruhezeiten.
Schwangere Frauen genießen außerdem einen besonderen Kündigungs- und Entlassungsschutz. Eine solche Beendigung von Arbeitsverhältnissen wäre nur mit gerichtlicher Zustimmung gestattet.
Um in den Genuss dieser Vorteile zu gelangen, müssen schwangere Mitarbeiter*innen ihre Schwangerschaft den Arbeitgeber*innen mitteilen.
Mehr dazu finden Sie in unserem neuen Video in Kooperation mit dem WOMAN Magazin!
#womanmagazin #arbeit #diskriminierung #arbeitsrecht #recht #schwangerschaft #familie #mutter #anwalt #konzipientin #rechtsanwalt #igersaustria #workingmom #womeninbusiness #equality #anwaltskanzlei #lawandbeyond
Family Law
Help! Custody and Visitation – Austrian attorney explains
Custody and contact rights? What does that actually mean? And what should one pay attention to? Austrian family law attorney Theresa Kamp answers some of the most burning questions on this topic here.
If you would like to contact Theresa Kamp for family law advice, please write to: -
Divorce in Austria? – Family lawyer explains first steps
Are you or your partner considering a divorce in Austria?
Family law specialist Theresa Kamp shares valuable insights on the initial steps to consider when going through a possible divorce. Check out the video for expert advice. #familylaw #divorce #legaladvice #austria #vienna #lawandbeyond -
Divorce in Austria – What to consider
What are things to consider when getting divorced in Austria?
Family law specialist Theresa Kamp gives you an insight and touches on topics such as amicable and at fault divorce, as well as the difference between child support and spousal support.
You can find Theresa here:
For more information on divorces in Austria: -
Divorce in Austria: 3 valuable insights from a family lawyer
Divorces are always difficult situations.
If you do not speak the language or do not knowthe legal culture of the country that you live in, you might find yourself at an additional disadvantage.
For this reason, Theresa Kamp shares three valuable insights that might help you when you’re facing a divorce situation in Austria.
You can find Theresa at -
Divorce emergency kit Austria
Since many of our clients ask us about both immigration and family law-related issues, we want to share a few insights in this video.
Find more information here:
Immigration Law
Austrian Citizenship for Descendants of Persecuted Families
Learn how descendants of families persecuted in Austria can obtain Austrian citizenship. This video covers eligibility criteria, application steps, and the benefits of reclaiming your Austrian heritage.
Key Topics in this video:
– Eligibility requirements
– Application process
– Benefits of Austrian citizenship
– rights for spouses
– right of multiple citizenship
– Austrian military service
Our legal experts are ready to assist you through the process. Kindly contact us through
Please ote: This video provides general information and does not constitute legal advice. For personalized assistance, consult a qualified attorney or immigration professional.
#CitizenshipByDescent -
Is Austria’s Healthcare System Really Free? Uncovering the Truth Behind Universal Health Coverage
Austria’s healthcare system is often praised for its universal access, but is it truly free? In this video, we delve into the structure of Austria’s healthcare, exploring how it’s funded, who contributes, and what costs are involved for residents.
In This Video, We Cover:
– The concept of universal healthcare in Austria
– Mandatory social insurance contributions and their impact
– Out-of-pocket expenses: What to expect
Understanding the realities of Austria’s healthcare system can help residents and expats make informed decisions about their medical care and financial planning.
If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up, share it with others who might benefit, and subscribe to our channel for more insights into healthcare systems around the world.
#austria #immigrationtoaustria #AustriaHealthcare #UniversalHealthCoverage #HealthInsuranceExplained -
Austria’s Red-White-Red Card Explained
Dreaming of living and working in Austria? The Red-White-Red Card might be your key to making that dream a reality! 🌍✨ In this video, we’ll walk you through:
✅ What the Red-White-Red Card is
✅ Who qualifies for it
✅ The application process and relevant authorities
✅ Family migration options
Whether you’re a skilled worker, graduate, or entrepreneur, Austria offers exciting opportunities—and we’re here to guide you through the process.
📌 Don’t miss out! Watch now and take the first step towards your Austrian adventure.
🛑 Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a professional for personalized assistance.
#Austria #Immigration #RedWhiteRedCard #LivingInAustria #WorkInAustria #MoveToEurope -
Immigration from the U.S. to Austria? #austria #immigrationattorney
Do you consider migrating from the U.S. to Austria? At Law and Beyond, we have many years of experience with US clients. We would be happy to assist your family and you. Send us an email to to schedule an initial consultation today. -
Initial consultation in immigration law? Prepare this!
Everybody wants to get ahead as fast as possible. But that only works if you provide your lawyer or immigration specialist with the correct and complete information right from the start. Immigration lawyer Patrick Kainz highlights some steps you can take to make the initial consultation a success. #austria #immigration #immigrationlawyer -
International students coming to Austria – do not start too late!
There are many challenges to tackle for international students. Don’t wait too long to avoid unpleasant delays! #austria #immigration #immigrationlawyer -
Australians love Austrians / Austrians love Australians
There seems to be a magical attraction between Aussies and Ösis ❤️.
If you want to explore possibilities for you and your partner to live in Austria, kindly reach out to us via email: -
“Emily in Paris” vs “Vivian in Vienna?”
“But it looks so easy on the show!?”
You’re dreaming of relocating to live and work in Europe? That’s great!
However, best to speak to immigration law specialists in the country of your choice so your dream does not turn into a bureaucratic nightmare.
#austria #emilyinparis #immigration -
Immigration lawyers do not offer job search services #austria
We would help if we could, but we do not offer hiring agency services. We wish you all the best in your job search in Austria. Bring us in once you secured an offer from an employer. Some useful resources can be found here: #immigrationlawyer -
Spousal residence permit through registered partnership?
Many couples contemplate getting a registered partnership as basis for a spousal residence permit. But there are some things to consider. Immigration lawyer Patrick Kainz explains common issues in this video.
You can reach Patrick at -
Public holidays in Austria
The irony of posting this on yet another public holiday… -
Residence permit after a diplomatic career
Are you diplomatic staff considering remaining in Austria after your posting or once you retire? Several options exist for you and your family. Talk to your immigration specialist to discuss the best strategy for you, your spouse and children.
If you would like to arrange for a consultation, kindly contact us via